Live your purpose with fearless self expression & authenticity.

As seen on

Peter Eugène Bennett

Coach | Mentor

Here to rise. 

Rewire and re-fire neural pathways, breaking chains of trauma, attachment and addiction.

Let’s build a framework to explore your most abundant expression of life.

Revitalise your energy with renewed commitment.

I offer compassionate and consistent support to enhance your natural abilities and will-power.

Training | Events

Here to love. 

Be seen, heard and connect with kindred spirits.

I design, facilitate, lead and staff retreats, workshops and programmes for all genders.

With health and well being at the forefront, I train individuals, teams and organisations in leadership.

So seize the moment and ensure every opportunity works for you.

Host | Speaker

Here to be original. 

Find your voice, speak your truth and sing your song.

I am a storyteller, ceremonialist, producer, writer and TV / radio presenter.

Topics include healthy masculinity, dating / relationships, wellness and culture.

Let’s light up your project with worldly wisdom and heartfelt humour.

Here to walk home.

To what I’ve always known.

True power.

Full potential.

Ultimate freedom.

“Peter helped me gain a new perspective of what it is to be a man. One of love and respect, instead of staying in my darkness.”

— Adam